Zoran Kaliman
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Zoran Kaliman, PhD Associate Professor Office O-111, phone +385(0)51 584610 E-mail address: kaliman@phy.uniri.hr, zoran.kaliman@gmail.com |
Courses: Undergraduate study
Details about on UNIRI portfoglio:
Born: November 4, 1955, Rijeka, Croatia.
1962-1970 Primary School, Rijeka.
1970-1974 High school, Rijeka.
1974-1978 Faculty of Industrial Pedagogy, University of Rijeka, Physics with Mathematics Techer
1978-1979 High school Rab, Mathematics teacher.
1979- 1998 Assistent at Department of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy (to 1988: Faculty of Education), University of Rijeka.
1981-1986 University of Zagreb, Postgraduate Study in Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Physics of Elementary particles.
1979- 1998 Assistent at Department of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy (to 1988: Faculty of Education), University of Rijeka.
1981-1986 University of Zagreb, Postgraduate Study in Theoretical Nuclear Physics and Physics of Elementary particles.
1998 PhD: Correlation effects in Compton Scattering from atoms.
1998 - 2002 Higher assistent at Department of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka.
2002-2008 Assistant Professor at Department of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka.
1998 - 2002 Higher assistent at Department of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka.
2002-2008 Assistant Professor at Department of Physics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Rijeka.
2008- today Associate Professor at Department of Physics, University of Rijeka.
1990. University of Pittsbourgh, USA.
2000. -2001. Fakultät für Physik, Universität Bielefeld, germany.
2002. DAAD grant Fakultät für Physik, Universität Bielefeld, Germany.
Current Contents publicatios:
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk, B. A. Logan: Nuclear Excitation In Positron-K-Electron Annihilation, Phys. Rev. C 35 (1987) 1661-1665.
- K. Pisk, Z. Kaliman, B. A. Logan: Calculation Of Nuclear Excitation In An Electron Transition, Nuclear Physics A04 (1989) 103-108.
- Z. Kaliman, T. Surić, K. Pisk, R. H. Pratt: Triply Differential Cross Section For Compton Scattering, Phys. Rev. A 57 (1998) 2683-2691.
- N. Orlić, Z. Kaliman: Mechanism For Nuclear Excitation During Positron Annihilation Using Coulomb Wave Functions, Radiation Physics And Chemistry 61 (2001) 387-389.
- Z. Kaliman, N. Orlić: Nuclear Excitation By Positron Annihilation With Bound Electrons In Screened Atomic Potential, Radiation Physics And Chemistry 61 (2001) 355-357.
- Z. Kaliman, N. Orlić, N.M. Kabachnik, H.O. Lutz: Theoretical study of orientation effects in multiple ionization of molecules by fast ion impact, Phys. Rev. A 65 (2002) 012708.
- B.Siegmann, U. Werner, R. Mann, Z. Kaliman, N.M. Kabachnik, H.O.Lutz: Orientation dependence of multiple ionization of diatomic molecules in collisions with fast highly-charged ions, Phys. Rev A 65 (2002) 010704.
- B. Siegmann, U. Werner, Z. Kaliman, Z. Roller-Lutz, N. M. Kabachnik, H. O. Lutz: Multiple ionization of diatomic molecules in collisions with 50 – 300 keV hydrogen and helium ions, Phys. rev. A 66 (2002) 052701.
- J. Dobrinić, N. Orlić, Z. Kaliman: Trace elements in evironmental samples determined by X-ray spectroscopy, Radiation Physics And Chemistry 71 (2004) 801-802.
- Z. Kaliman, N. Orlić, I. Jelovica: Polarization effects in Compton scattering from K-electrons, Radiation Physics And Chemistry 71(2004) 661-663.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk: Compton cross-section calculations in terms of recoil-ion momentum observables, Radiation Physics And Chemistry 71 (2004) 633-635.
- Z. Kaliman, N. Orlić, I. Jelovica: Calculations of Effective Atomic Number, Nuclear instruments and methods A, 580 (2007) 40-42.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk, T. Surić: Angular correlations in double ionization of Helium by high-energy Compton scattering, Nuclear instruments and methods A, 580 (2007) 43–45.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk, T. Surić: Perturbative calculation of the cross section in double ionization by high-energy Compton scattering, European Physical Journal D, 42 (2007) 369-372.
- Z. Kaliman, G. Žauhar, S. Jurković: Polarization effects in nuclear exci-tation by positron-electron annihilation process , Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 619 (2010) 18-20.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk, T. Surić: Electron correlation in high energy double ionization of helium by Compton scattering , Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 619 (2010) 10-14.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk, R. H. Pratt: Compton scattering from positronium and validity of the impulse approximation , Phys. Rev. A 83 (053406) (2011) 1{8, dOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.83.053406.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk: Positronium interaction with low-energy radiation, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46 (2013) 235002 (7pp), doi:10.1088/0953-4075/46/23/235002.
- S. Jurković, G. Žauhar, M. Bistrović, D. Faj, Z. Kaliman, S. Radojčić, An alternative approach to compensators design for photon beams used in radiotherapy, 580 (2007) 530-533.
- Kaliman, Zoran; Žauhar, Gordana; Jurković, Slaven: Cross section calculations of photoabsorption and Compton scattering contributions to He single and double ionization via recoil momentum observable, Radiation physics and chemistry; 95, 34-37, 2014.
- M. Orlić, Z. Kaliman: Analytical Derivation of the Fuss Relations for Bicentric Hendecagon and Dodecagon, Acta Physica Polonica A 128 (2015) B--82--B--85, konferencija: ICCESEN.
- K. Pisk, Z. Kaliman, N. Erceg: Wave-particle duality of radiation in Compton scattering, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49 (2016) 235004.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk: Relativistic effects in double ionization of Helium via Compton scattering, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 137 (2017) 3--6.
- G. Žauhar, Đ. Smilović Radojčić, Z. Kaliman, T. Schnurrer-Luke-Vrbanić, S. Jurković: Determination of Physiotherapy Ultrasound Beam Quality Parameters From Images Derived Using Thermochromic Material, Ultrasonics (2019) doi:10.1016/j.ultras.2019.06.005
- Zoran Kaliman: Teorijska mehanika (Theoretical mechanics), Faculty of Arts and Science, Rijeka (2002)
- Z. Kaliman, I. Jelovica Badovinac, V. Labinac: Zbirka zadataka iz klasične mehanike (Classicala mechanics workbook), Sveučilište u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2016.
Oral presentations on conferencies
- K. Pisk, Z. Kaliman: Pobuđenje jezgre anihilacijom pozitrona na K-elektronu; Nuclear excitation in positron K-electron annihilation, VIII Kongres matematièara, fizičara i astronoma Jugoslavije, Priština 1985., Priština, Yugoslavia, (1985).
- Z. Kaliman, N. Orlić, Z. Roller-Lutz: Višestruka ionizacija molekula u sudarima s brzim ionima, Treći znanstveni sastanak HFD, Zagreb, (2001), 32.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk: Compton Cross-Section Calculations in Terms of Recoil--Ion Momentum Observables, ISRP-9, Cape Town, South Africa, (2003), 85.
- Z. Kaliman, M. Orlić: Mathematica in analytical derivation of Fuss' relations, Aplimat 2007, 6th International Conference, Vol. III, Bratislava, Slova\v{c}ka, (2007), 61.
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk: Inelastic Scattering Of Radiation On Positronium Atom, GIREP-EPEC Conference, Opatija (2007).
- Z. Kaliman, K. Pisk, T. Surić: Electron correlation in high energy double ionization of helium by Compton scattering, ISRP-11, Melbourne, Australia (2009).
- Z. Kaliman, G. Žauhar, S. Jurković: Cross section calculations of photoabsorption and Compton scattering contributions to He single and double ionization via recoil momentum observable, ISRP-12, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2012).
Principal of Department of Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Rijeka, 2002-2008.
Head of Mathematicians and Physicists Society, Rijeka, 2004-2006.
President of Council for Quality Assurance Department of Physics University of Rijeka, 2008-today.
Member of Council for Quality Assurance University of Rijeka, 2008-today.
Member of University council, University of Rijeka, 2009-2013.
Deputy principal of Department of Physics University of Rijeka, 2015-today.
Member of Professional council of Study Center, University of Rijeka, 2015-today.
Member of Council for Science University of Rijeka, 2015-today.
Photon - atom interaction (Compton scattering, photoabsorption)
Ionization of molecules by ions.
Bicentric polygons.
It is stated in the biography.
Ulica Radmile Matejčić 2
51000 Rijeka
Tel.: +385 51 584 600
Fax: +385 51 584 649
Email: fizika@phy.uniri.hr