
Promotivni video

Promotivni video

Doktorski studij

Znanstvena konferencija

HRZZ projekt



CERN Masterclass

Zbirka digitalnih sadržaja

Virtualna izložba

Studiranje u Hrvatskoj


Predavanje Društva matematičara i fizičara Rijeka 6. lipnja 2019.

Objavljeno 3. 6. 2019.
Predavanje pod nazivom "The effect of stochasticity on species competition and spatial spread" održat će dr. sc. Tad Dallas, poslijedoktorand na Sveučilištu u Helsinkiju. Predavanje će se održati u četvrtak, 6. lipnja 2019. u 18.30 h u zgradi Sveučilišnih odjela na kampusu na Trsatu (Radmile Matejčić 2), u prostoriji O-029. 

Sažetak predavanja:

Two populations starting in identical conditions will quickly diverge in abundance, fundamentally limiting the predictability of ecological time series. In this talk, we'll explore how stochasticity further influence two species-competition and spatial spread. Using a combination of ecological modeling and an experimental flour beetle system, we show how stochasticity and competitor abundance can influence competitive outcomes, and the relative roles of stochasticity and variation in dispersal behavior on spatial spread dynamics.