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Studiranje u Hrvatskoj

Mladen Petravić

alt    prof. dr. sc. Mladen Petravić
   redoviti profesor u trajnom zvanju

   Curriculum vitae (.pdf)

   Ured: O-113
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  - Fizika II
  - Fizika poluvodiča
  - Mjerenja u fizici
  - Laboratorijski projekt

Detalji o znanstvenom, nastavnom i stručnom radu, mogu se pronaći na portfelju UNIRI:


Diplomirao i magistrirao eksperimentalnu fiziku kondenzirane tvari na Prirodoslovno-matematičkom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Iselio u Australiju 1988. godine. Doktorirao eksperimentalnu fiziku površina i poluvodiča na Australian National  University (ANU) u Canberri, Australija (1993). Sedamnaest godina vodio Laboratorij za masenu spektroskopiju na ANU. Početkom 2006. vratio se u Hrvatsku i zaposlio na Sveučilištu u Rijeci. 


1988-2006. Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australija

1994. Department of Chemistry, Technion, Haifa, Izrael

1996, 1998, 1999. Sinkrotron LURE, Orsay, Francuska

1997. Department of Physics, The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Švedska

1998. Osaka National Research Institute, Osaka, Japan

2002-2003. Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, SAD



           1.  M.J.McCann, K.J.Weber, M.Petravic and A.W.Blakers, 'Boron Doping of Silicon Layers Grown by Liquid-Phase-Epitaxy', J. Crystal Growth 241, 45 (2002).
2. M.Petravic, P.N.K.Deenapanray, B.F.Usher, K.-J.Kim and B.Kim, 'High-resolution photoemission study of hydrogen interaction with polar and non-polar GaAs surfaces', Phys.Rev. B67, 195325 (2003).
3.  M.Petravic, P.N.K.Deenapanray, K.-J.Kim and B.Kim, 'Compositional changes on GaN surfaces under low-energy ion bombardment studied by synchrotron-based spectroscopies', Appl.Phys.Lett. 83, 4948 (2003).
4. M.Petravic, P.N.K.Deenapanray, V.A.Coleman, K.-J.Kim, B.Kim and G.Li, 'Core-level  photoemission and near edge x-ray absorption fine structure studies of GaN surface under low-energy ion bombardment', J.Appl.Phys95, 5487 (2004).
5. I. V. Veryovkin, W. F. Calaway, J. F. Moore, M. J. Pellin, S.V.Milton, B.V.King and M. Petravic, 'A new horizon in secondary neutral mass spectrometry: post-ionization using a VUV free electron laser', Appl.Surf.Sci231, 962 (2004).
6. P.N.K.Deenapanray, M.Petravic, C.Jagadish, M.Krispin, and F.D.Auret, 'Influence of spin-on-glass doping on defect creation and impurity segregation in impurity-free disordered p-type GaAs, J.Appl.Phys. 97, 033524 (2005).
7. M.Petravic, V.A.Coleman, K.-J.Kim, B.Kim and G.Li, 'Defect acceptor and donor in ion-bombarded GaN", J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A23, 1340 (2005).
8. V.A.Coleman, M.Petravic, K.-J.Kim, B.Kim and G.Li, 'Near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure studies of GaN under low-energy nitrogen ion bombardment', Appl.Surf.Sci. 252, 3413 (2006).
9. M.Petravic, P.N.K.Deenapanray, V.A.Coleman, K-J.Kim, B.Kim, C.Jagadish, K.Kioke, S.Sasa, M.Inoue and M.Yano, 'Characterisation of nitrogen in ZnO by near-edge x-ray absorption fine structure and core-level photoemission spectroscopies', Surface Sci. 600,  L81 (2006).
10. M.Petravic, P.N.K.Deenapanray, M.D.Fraser, A.V.Soldatov, Y.-W.Yang, P.A.Anderson and S.M.Durbin, 'Direct observation of defect levels in InN by soft x-ray absorption', J.Phys.Chem. B110, 2984 (2006).
11. M.Petravic, Q.Gao, D.Llewellyn, P.N.K.Deenapanray, D.Macdonald and C.Crotti, 'Broadening of vibrational levels in x-ray absorption spectroscopy of molecular nitrogen in compound semiconductors', Chem.Phys.Lett. 425, 262(2006).
12. P.L.Gareso, M.Buda, M.Petravic, H.H.Tan and C.Jagadish, 'Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the atomic intermixing of Zn- and C-doped InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum well', J.Electrochem.Soc. 153, G879 (2006).
13. A.V.Soldatov, A.Guda, A.Kravtsova, M.Petravic, P.N.K.Deenapanray, M.D.Fraser, Y.-W.Yang, P.A.Anderson and S.M.Durbin, 'Nitrogen defect levels in InN: XANES study', Rad. Phys. Chem. 75, 1635 (2006).
14. J.Yu, Y.Chen, R.G.Elliman and M.Petravic, 'Isotropically enriched 10BN nanotubes', Advanced Materials 18, 2157 (2006).
15. A.Bozanic, Z.Majlinger, M.Petravic, Q.Gao, D.Llewellyn, C.Crotti, and Y.-W.Yang, ‘Characterisation of molecular nitrogen in III-V compound semiconductors by near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure and photoemission spectroscopies’, J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A26, 592 (2008).
16. Z.Majlinger, A.Bozanic, M.Petravic, K.-J.Kim, B.Kim and Y.-W.Yang, ‘Formation of nitrides on nitrogen-bombarded GaAs surfaces‘, J.Appl.Phys. 104, 063527 (2008).
17. A.Bozanic, M.Petravic, L.-J.Fan, Y.-W.Yang, and  Y.Chen, ‘Direct observation of defect levels in hexagonal BN by soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy’, Chem.Phys.Lett. 472, 190 (2009).
18. Z.Majlinger, A.Bozanic, M.Petravic, K.-J.Kim, B.Kim and Y.-W.Yang, ‘NEXAFS and XPS study of GaN formation on ion-bombarded GaAs surfaces‘, Vacuum 84, 41 (2009).
19. A.Bozanic, Z.Majlinger, M.Petravic, Q.Gao, D.Llewellyn, C.Crotti, Y.-W.Yang, K.-J.Kim and B.Kim ‘Characterisation of molecular nitrogen in ion-bombarded compound semiconductors by synchrotron-based absorption and emission spectroscopies’, Vacuum 84, 37 (2009).
20. R.Peter, A.Bozanic, M.Petravic, Y.Chen, L.-J.Fan, and Y.-W.Yang, ‘Creation of defects in hexagonal boron nitride by low energy ion bombardment’, J.Appl.Phys. 106, 083523 (2009).
21. M.Petravic, R.Peter, L.-J.Fan, Y.-W.Yang, and Y.Chen, ‘Direct observation of defects in hexagonal boron nitride by near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray photoemission spectroscopy’, Nucl.Instrum.Meth. A 619, 94(2010).
22. M.Petravic, R.Peter, I.Kavre, L.Li, Y.Chen, L.-J.Fan, and Y.-W.Yang ‘Decoration of nitrogen vacancies by oxygen atoms in boron nitride nanotubes’, PhysChemChemPhys 12, 15349-15353 (2010).
23. L.H.Li,Y.Chen, G.Behan, H.Zhang, M.Petravic, and A.M.Glushenkov, ‘Large-scale mechanical peeling of boron nitride nanosheets by low-energy ball milling’, J.Mater.Chem. 21, 11862 (2011).
24. R.Peter, D.Segota, and M.Petravic, 'Point defects in gallium nitride: x-ray absorption measurements and multiple scattering theory', Appl.Phys.Lett. 99, 172107 (2011).
25. Z. Grubac, I. Skugor Roncevic, M. Metikos-Hukovic, R. Babic, M. Petravic, and R. Peter, ‘Surface modification of biodegradable magnesium alloys', J.Electrochem.Soc. 159, C235-C258 (2012).
26. D.Ivekovic, H.Vlasic Trbic, R.Peter, M.Petravic, M.Ceh and B.Pihlar, 'Enhancement of stability of Prussian blue thin films by electrochemical insertion of Ni2+ ions: A stable electrocatalytic sensing of H2O2 in mild alkaline media', Electrochim.Acta 78, 452-458 (2012).
27. L.Li, L.H.Li, Y.Chen, X.J.Dai, T.Xing, M.Petravic, and X.Liu, 'Mechanically Activated Catalyst Mixing for High Yield Boron NitrideNanotube Growth', Nanoscale Research Lett. 7, 417 (2012).

28. Z.Petrovic, M.Metikos-Hukovic, R.Peter, and M.Petravic, 'Surface Modification of Iron for Corrosion Protection: Kinetics of Anodic Film Formation and Electroreduction', Int.J.Electrochem.Sci. 
7, 9232 (2012).

29. L.H.Li, M.Petravic, B.C.C.Cowie, T.Xing, R.Peter, Y.Chen, C.Sei, and W.Duan, 'High-resolutio x-ray absorption studies of core excitons in hexagonal boron nitride', Appl.Phys.Lett. 101, 191604 (2012).

30. Z. Grubac, M. Metikos-Hukovic, R. Babic, I. Skugor Roncevic, M. Petravic, and R. Peter, 'Functionalization of biodegradable magnesium alloy implants with alkylphosphonate self-assembled films', Materials Science and Engineering: C 33, 2152 (2013).

31. T.Xing, X.Hou, L.H.Li, S.Zhou, R.Peter, M.Petravic, and Y.Chen, 'Disorder in ball-milled graphite revealed by Raman spectroscopy', Carbon 57, 515 (2013).

32. M.Petravic, R.Peter, M.Varasanec, L.H.Li, Y.Chen, and B.C.C.Cowie, 'Vibronic fine structure in high-resolution x-ray absorption spectra from boron nitride nanotubes', J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A 31, 031405 (2013).

33. S.Sopcic, R.Peter, M.Petravic, and Z.Matic, 'New insights into the mechanism of pseudocapacitance deterioration in electrodeposited MnO2 under negative potentials', J.Power Sources 240, 152 (2013). 

34. M.Metikos-Hukovic, R.Babic, Z.Grubac, M.Petravic, and R.Peter, 'Potental Assisted Formation and Characterization of Hydroxyapatite Coatings on Biodegradable Magnesium Alloys', J.Electrochem.Soc. 160, H674 (2013).  

J.Katic, M.Metikos-Hukovic, S.D.Skapin, M.Petravic, and M.Varasanec, 'The potential-assisted deposition as valuable tool for producingfunctional apatite coatings on metallic materials', Electrochim. Acta 127, 173 (2014).

36. M.Petravic, M.Varasanec, R.Peter, I.Kavre, M.Metikos-Hukovic, and Y.-W.Yang, 'Electronic structure of Nitinol surfaces oxidized by low-energy ion bombardment ', prihvaćen rad, J.Appl.Phys. 115, 243703 (2014).

37. J. Katic, M. Metikos-Hukovic, R. Peter, and M. Petravic, 'The electronic structure of the aeNi(OH)2 films: Influence on the production of the higheperformance Niecatalyst surface', J.Power Sources 282, 421 (2015). 



2006. Predstavnik Republike Hrvatske u povjerenstvu Europske komisije za Mobilnost znanstvenika.

2007. Izabran u zvanje redovitoga profesora iz područja prirodnih znanosti, znanstveno polje fizika.

2007. Član Povjerenstva RH za praćenje FP7 Euratom.

2007.-2008. Član Sveučilišnog savjeta iz znanstvenih područja tehničkih i prirodnih znanosti.

2007.-2008. Član Savjeta za znanstveni rad Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

2007.-2008. V.d. pročelnika Odjela za Fiziku Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

2007.-2008. Član Senata Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

2009.-2013.  Član Matičnog odbora iz znanstvenog polja fizika.

2012. Izabran u zvanje redovitoga profesora u trajnom zvanju iz područja prirodnih znanosti, znanstveno polje fizika.

2012.- Predstojnik Centra za mikro i nano znanosti i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Rijeci.

Član MZOS povjerenstva za znanstvenu infrastrukturu.

2012.- Član Upravnog vijeća Instituta za fiziku, Zagreb.

2013.- Član Područnog znanstvenog vijeća za prirodne znanosti.

2013.- Koordinator za Sveučilište u Rijeci- Hrvatska fuzijska istraživačka jedinica u sklopu Euratoma. 

2013.- Član, predstavnik Hrvatske, IUVISTA - Applied Surface Science College.

Objavio preko 120 znanstvenih radova u vodećim svjetskim časopisima iz područja fizike kondenzirane tvari, fizike površina i kemijske fizike.

Vodio desetak međunarodnih projekata.

Član organizacijskih odbora pet međunarodnih konferencija i ljetnih škola.

Dvanaest pozivnih i plenarnih predavanja na međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima.

Međunarodna suradnja s Australijom, Japanom, Tajvanom, Korejom, Novim Zelandom, SAD, Francuskom, Švedskom, Italijom, Finskom i Izraelom.

Glavna područja znanstvenoga rada:
Eksperimentalna fizika čvrstoga stanja i fizika poluvodičkih površina:
-analiza, karakterizacija i modifikacija poluvodičkih materijala pomoću ionskih snopova
-primjena i osnove SIMS-a (Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry)
-atomski sudari, erozija, ionizacijski procesi i fazni prijelazi u krutim materijalima
-fotoemisija, fotoapsorpcija i fotodesorpcija sa poluvodičkih površina
-laserska postionizacija (uključujući primjenu lasera slobodnih elektrona)
-primjena sinhrotronskog zracenja u  povrsinskoj fizici
-XPS (X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy) na poluvodičima


2011.- Centar za mikro i nano znanosti i tehnologije Sveučilišta u Rijeci i Odjel za fiziku Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2008.- 2011. Odjel za fiziku Sveučilišta u Rijeci

2006.-2008. Odsjek za fiziku, Filozofski fakultet  Sveučilišta u Rijeci

1989.-2006. Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australija

1982.-1989. Institut za fiziku Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

